“There is no part of the body that equals the fascia” -
Andrew Taylor Stills, founder of osteopathy
Fascial Unwinding
What is fascia?
Fascia is a gel-like, connective tissue running, like a vast web throughout our entire body, enveloping all muscles, tissues, organs and even penetrating deep within cells . It acts as a liquid crystalline matrix and provides an intercommunication system transmitting messages on injury and tension around the body faster than the electrical charges of the nervous system. Fascia has a two-way connection with the autonomic nervous system, and retains the effects of psychoemotional stress.
What is fascial unwinding and how can it help?
The basis of Fascial unwinding is to allow the patient’s own body to unwind naturally and spontaneously, working at the pace of the patient’s body rather than forcing or exerting pressure. I gently tune into the cranio sacral system and the body is free to unwind any areas it feels ready and necessary to release, the neck, hips, legs, arms or shoulders or internal organs. It can be helpful for whiplash, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, hip pain, sciatica and many more conditions. Unwinding the fascial patterns present in a patient’s body not only releases old injury and musculoskeletal patterns but also emotional trauma.